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Graphene Nanoplatelets Pellets

DRM-P series graphene nanoplatelets pellets is a special graphene product for the modification of thermal conductive plastics, which is developed for the shortcomings of the traditional powder thermal conductive filler, such as difficult to feed, easy to pollute and small packing density. It has the characteristics of high thermal conductivity and easy feeding. It has very excellent thermal conductivity, the product is in the shape of particles/scales, suitable for plastic extrusion, injection molding, mixing, open smelting and other melt processing technology. The product has been treated by surface modification and has good compatibility with resin.
Product serial number
Product description

Product List and Characteristics

Series Number

Bulk density


Standard package

DRM-P001 Compact Thermal conductivity composite 20 kg/carton
DRM-P002 20 kg/carton
DRM-P005 10 kg/carton


Recommended Adding %wt Compared to Thermal Conductivity







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Xiamen Knano Graphene Technology Co., Ltd


Tel:   +86 592 6800664

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Haicang 361027

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